Lata Mangeshkar has launched her latest album Saadgi on the occasion of World Music day on Thursday.
Jagjit Singh and Chitra Singh released the album 'Saadgi'. The launch ceremony was held at The Club in Andheri on thursday Usha Mangeshkar, Meena Mangeshkar, Suresh Wadkar, Javed Akhtar were also present.
Mona Singh acted in the music video of Saajda. "Mujhe khabar thi" is a soulful song and already touched the heart and soul of many.
Lata believed that it is the destiny that played a role in this album and said, ''There is no reason why the album happened, but it just happened. Nothing was planned but everything just fell into place. The lyrics appealed to me and I could relate with it. Music is my life. As long as I am, so will my music.''